
Quarter Horse Stallion
inspired by Wiescamp bred stock
an original sculpture by Fabrizio Sburlati & Sherry Carr
Traditional 1:9 scale
9.25” to ear tips x 10.25” nose to tail
All 1:9 scale models are custom hollow castings with stainless steel wire reinforcement. Unpainted and unprepped white resin.
Stablemate 1:28 scale
Overall dimensions: 2.75" to ear tips x 3.2" nose to tail 1:28
3D printed models are various shades of gray and are unpainted and unprepped.
Our 3D prints are made by Fabrizio Sburlati and imported from Italy. *** extremely limited ***
Fabrizio has over 35 years of experience in 3D modeling. His experience as a professional, outside of the hobby, assists us with providing the best technology possible, accurate curing times to ensure durability, and a model free from common defects.
As a professional reiner, Fabrizio has a deep connection to the equine world. Fabrizio's genuine love for horses makes him an exceptional person to create our models.
We only use traditional size 3D printed horses as prototypes within our own production process. Mini size prints are available in limited quantities.
Our mini prints are solid, with no need for interior curing. Smaller models have far less layers than traditional scale models. Fewer layers have less chance of material distortion and warping. There is better dimensional accuracy for intricate details on a smaller model due to the smaller deposition of material with each layer. A more durable model can be made in a smaller scale since the lighter weight, and smaller scale, makes them have less need for wire support in the legs.
A tribute to the Wiescamp vision
Many iconic figures in the Quarter Horse world were bred by H.J. Wiescamp, who would become one of the most renowned breeders in AQHA history. The Wiescamp lineage contains distinct physical attributes helped shape a particular “look” in the breed, often referred to as the “Wiescamp look.”
Wiescamp had a vision of producing strong, compact, muscular horses with excellent balance, a look that would excel in halter and serve well on the ranch. His horses display a well-built physique that Wiescamp prized, with a deep chest, heavy muscling, and a balanced conformation. His horses have excelled in halter, show ring performance, ranch work and on the racetrack.
Wiescamp horses are known for their "bulldog" physique, featuring compact, heavily muscled bodies with strong, well-rounded hindquarters and deep chests. This conformation made them particularly desirable for halter competition, where muscle and structure are highly valued. His horses have a balanced conformation, meaning body parts were well-proportioned, giving them a pleasing and harmonious overall appearance. Their heads are refined while not losing a distinctive QH look of strength. The muzzles are often very small, while maintaining a broad forehead.
These physical characteristics made Wiescamp horses popular in both the show ring and for working purposes, as they combined the beauty for halter classes with the ruggedness needed for ranch work and performance events. The bloodline is still recognized for these traits, which have been passed down through generations.
© All rights to the sculpture of Skip reserved by Fabrizio Sburlati & Sherry Carr.