Outside casting is currently not accepted.
Our casting services are now reserved for guild members.
We provide rotocasting for production of hollow models, in addition to pressure casting for solid models.
1:9, 1:12, 1:15, 1:20 scale models are never 3D printed. All models in this scale are traditionally cast artist resin models that have stainless steel wire support using a process that has been proven to last for generations. Any models labeled "artist resin" or “resin” will refer to this process.
1:32, 1:28, 1:40, 1:64, 1:120 scale models are 3D prints or pewter. Any models 3D printed will be clearly marked as a "print". Any pewter model will be clearly marked as “pewter.”
Your Art
Seunta maintains high regard for any art created by an artist. It is an honor to be trusted to handle any original work. The artist retains all rights to any original work and any copy that is made. Seunta has never, and does not ever, use someone else’s mold, or work, or model copies, for anything other than the production requested by the artist.
The artist also retains full control over production at all times. Instructions are followed and respected.
Seunta maintains an online store. We have purchased the rights to reproduce, revise and sell these models. The models used for this production were commissioned specifically for this purpose. Any model ever sold by Seunta has fully documented, written consent from an artist that has been well compensated. Production for Seunta and production for artist casting services are two separate divisions and are not located in the same area of the shop.
We cast each model horse that is sold, on location, at Seunta LLC. This assures hands-on quality control and allows us to provide direct customer service. No short-cuts are used in bringing you top quality model horses for the best possible value! Each model horse is hollow cast using rotational casting technology and stainless steel wire reinforcement. When producing resin model horses we use standard industry materials for mold making and casting. Bright white polyurethane is the most common material we use although other resins may be used when producing colored horses or animals.
Sculptures must be original creations. Seunta will not reproduce any model that has a Breyer horse, Stone model horse, or resin model authored by someone else within any part of a sculpture. This includes using someone else's creation as armature. It does not matter what percentage of the model has been changed, it does not matter if it can be considered a new creation due to extreme changes.
Collaborations between several artists, or customization of a Breyer or Stone Horse, may be acceptable with necessary written permissions of the original author or owner being granted for reproduction.
Images of sold out editions were taken at the time of production.
Seunta does not have copies of any sold out edition.
Check with the sculpting artist.
Mold Making
We continually strive to update our processes and are constantly learning from other professional casters worldwide. Our techniques provide a very clean model without any seam line across the entire top line and face of the horse, as well as no sprue blemish from a pour spout as we do not use pour spouts in any of our process.
We take extra care to provide customers with models that do not have unsightly shadings from leg wires or wire breaking through the surface of the resin. While some of this may not make a difference in a model that is going to be painted immediately, many collectors will have their model on a shelf for a very long time before they are painted. Our goal is to provide a beautiful model straight from the caster and not necessarily just a blank canvas.
We use industry standard materials and are partnered with a very active supplier in Atlanta, GA. that has a high level of turnover for their products, assuring that we are able to get fresh materials at any time. We do not use talc (a carcinogen) or baby powder (fragrance) on any model that we produce.
Mold making is a service and molds remain the property of Seunta LLC. Molds may not be sent anywhere else due to proprietary design. Molds are never used without artist permission and, are destroyed upon artist request. Certification and proof may be provided to the artist as a courtesy.
You can read more about us here.