Facebook Groups & Online Events
Participate and learn or watch and be inspired!
Unleash your imagination and showcase your talent at the MHC & OnlyOne Seunta Model Horse Customizing Event and/or online photo shows with us! Whether you're a seasoned customizer, hobbyist or photographer, or just starting out, this is your chance to let your creativity run wild!
Rose Denis, Terry Boaz, Fabrizio Sburlati & Sherry Carr
These groups are actively and fairly moderated to insure no bullying, shaming, or aggressive behavior. Our goal is to maintain a pleasant and peaceful environment to enjoy the love of horses among friends.
Seunta LLC
Main business page – give us a like!
Seunta LLC
Model Horses
Group for sharing photos & winnings of Seunta models, with other announcements.
Model Horse Customizers
Sculpting, painting, advice and creative ideas
Customizing, painting, photo show & model creation events – held here!
Model Horse Frustation
Share frustrations, get support, and just have fun getting rid of hobby woes!
Model Horse Transaction Reviews
A new transaction board that is gaining popularity, with great moderation! No name calling, bullying, or dogpiling, etc.
Red, green, yellow lights are accepted – along with requests for recommendations, warnings, or sharing any issue.
The Seunta Guild
For documents and static information relating to the Messenger chat – applications accepted.