
Remix (Sister v.2)
Arabian Mare
custom by Luis M. Aguilar [Nohuanda Equine Art]
1:9 scale
Overall dimensions: 9" tall x 11.5" long
1:15 Pixie scale
This scale is in-between Classic and Curio size
Overall dimensions: 5.4" to ear tips x 7" nose to tail tip
(4” at the withers)
Details on all sizes can be found here.
All 1:9 scale models are custom hollow castings with stainless steel wire reinforcement. Unpainted and unprepped white resin.
A female protector or friend is often regarded as a Sister. A sister is also associated as if by kinship to something else. Sister is Firiona's calmer counterpart and the origin of Remix.
Originating in the Arabian Peninsula, this ancient and revered breed can trace its lineage back thousands of years. Revered by Bedouin tribes for their loyalty, endurance, and versatility, Arabian horses were treasured as essential companions for their nomadic way of life. Their resilience and ability to thrive in harsh desert conditions solidified their reputation as a living testament to the remarkable bond between humans and horses.
The Arabian horse is immediately recognizable by its refined features, dished face, arched neck, and high tail carriage. Yet, it is not just their stunning appearance that sets them apart; it is their spirit, intelligence, and fiery nature that have earned them a place in the hearts of horse lovers around the world.
Micro Mini & Charm artisan gallery
artisan gallery
Gallery photos are of painted resin models that have been finished by various artists, worldwide.
There may be customizing to some of the models in the gallery.

© All rights to the sculpture of Remix reserved by Seunta LLC.