
Tennessee Walking Horse Mare
custom by Airen Chandler [Horsenfeffer Hobbies]
Elfin size - 1:9 scale
Overall dimensions: 10" tall to ear tips x 11" long
1:15 Pixie scale
This scale is in-between Classic and Curio size
Overall dimensions: 5.6" to ear tips x 6.5" nose to rear hoof edge
(3.9” at the withers)
Details on all sizes can be found here.
All 1:9 scale models are custom hollow castings with stainless steel wire reinforcement. Unpainted and unprepped white resin.
Originating in the southern United States, the Tennessee Walking Horse was bred to meet the demands of plantation owners who needed a versatile, comfortable, and surefooted mount for long hours of riding across diverse terrains. Over time, these horses evolved into the graceful and fluid movers we see today, capable of covering miles effortlessly while providing their riders with an unparalleled level of comfort.
At the heart of the Tennessee Walking Horse's allure lies its extraordinary gait - the running walk. This four-beat gait is characterized by its smoothness and distinct head nod, creating a rhythmic and almost dance-like motion. The ability to perform this natural gait sets the Tennessee Walking Horse apart from other breeds, making it a favored choice for pleasure riding, trail exploration, and even competitive events.
© All rights to the sculpture of Moonpie reserved by Seunta LLC.