
PRE Stallion
by Fabrizio Sburlati & Sherry Carr
Traditional 1:9 scale
Overall dimensions: 8.25” tall (to top of neck crest) x 12.5” edge of front hoof to tail.
No base. Clear acrylic rod under the front hoof and tail.
All 1:9 scale models are custom hollow castings with stainless steel wire reinforcement. Unpainted and unprepped white resin.
Stablemate 1:28 scale
Overall dimensions: 2.75" to ear tips x 3.5" tail to front leg
3D printed models are various shades of gray and are unpainted and unprepped.
Our 3D prints are made by Fabrizio Sburlati and imported from Italy. *** extremely limited ***
Fabrizio has over 35 years of experience in 3D modeling. His experience as a professional, outside of the hobby, assists us with providing the best technology possible, accurate curing times to ensure durability, and a model free from common defects.
As a professional reiner, Fabrizio has a deep connection to the equine world. Fabrizio's genuine love for horses makes him an exceptional person to create our models.
We only use traditional size 3D printed horses as prototypes within our own production process. Mini size prints are available in limited quantities.
Our mini prints are solid, with no need for interior curing. Smaller models have far less layers than traditional scale models. Fewer layers have less chance of material distortion and warping. There is better dimensional accuracy for intricate details on a smaller model due to the smaller deposition of material with each layer. A more durable model can be made in a smaller scale since the lighter weight, and smaller scale, makes them have less need for wire support in the legs.
PRE - Pura Raza Espanola - Pure Spanish Horse
05/31/1997 -
Bred by Centurion Horse Farms in Segovia Farms and imported from Spain to the United States in 1999.
Highest Spanish Revision score qualifying for his permanent Carta (ANCCE Spanish Papers).
Foundation for the Pure Spanish Horse Campeon de Campeon (Champion of Champions) and Foundation Sire.
United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Multi-divisional Andalusian Horse of the Year (HOTY) 2 consecutive years.
International Andalusian & Lusitano Horse Association (IALHA) Regional Multi-Champion (in Multiple Regions) in Halter, Country English Pleasure Saddle Seat, Show Hack, Dressage Suitability, Hunt Seat & Western Pleasure.
IALHA National Champion Stallion.
Undefeated at ALL shows Andalusian Stallion Amateur to Handle (all ages, including a 12 year old girl).
Multiple (too many to count over the years) Gold Medals for Best Movement.
IALHA National Year End Open Breed Show High Point in Halter division, English division and Western division.
Numerous Open Breed Show Championships in Halter, Showmanship, Trail, English (Hunt Seat & Saddle Seat), Western & Driving.
Certified Mounted Police Training Horse as I am also a Certified Mounted Police Instructor.
Foundation Sire: Spanish-Norman Horse Registry, Iberian Warmblood Registry
“Bu” also loves to work cows and finds it highly entertaining!
His pedigree includes bullfighting bloodlines. His sire (Encantado IX) was owned by the King of Spain. He used to loan Encantado IX out to the Spanish Military Stud.
As a breeding stallion, all of his offspring are just as versatile and excel at driving specifically. 4 of the 5 horses in our competition driving team for the World Equestrian Games (WEG) 2010 were Bu “babies”. I still have 3 of them here at my home farm.
But was poisoned (deliberately) when left at a facility overnight and as a result became Laminitic and within a week had seriously Foundered. Even with daily treatment from his vet and weekly checkups/shoeing with positive pressure heart bar shoes things went downhill fast. I slept in his stall for 6 weeks because he was unable to stand. I’d only go home in order to shower and take care of the other horses. But he fought through the pain, abscesses, hoof wall separation for 14 months and SURVIVED! Not just as a pasture pet but on to compete full time. He’s truly a miracle horse. His retirement came when he severed the collateral ligament in his right hind. Only a -50% of recovery, once again, he defied all odds. Bu is now 100% isound and living his best life.
Brenda J. Hall, owner
© All rights to the sculpture of Buhonero reserved by Fabrizio Sburlati & Sherry Carr.